20050814 CHINA - Lang Mu Si



20050814 CHINA - Lang Mu Si

Straddling the border between Si Chuan & Gan Su, a rural Tibetan village nestled among steep grassy meadows, evergreen forests and snow-clad peaks. It is also one of traditional sites for sky burial (officially and religiously banned for visit). I have visited the site but didn't have the luck to witness this sacred ritual. The town is really small, was pleasant to stay at Qing Feng Guesthouse (“green peak”) run by a Muslim family. It is bright, clean, new, with hot water and very cheap! Highly recommended. A walk to the nearby hill is refreshing. Friendly Tibetans.


Residence of the lamas Main hall Rest time before debates Host of the temple Hair washing Mosque sDSC085361.jpg sDSC085371.jpg sDSC085381.jpg sDSC085391.jpg
Devotion Prayers "Sand painting" - preparing Mandala with colour powder Grassland at the end of valley Repairing tent Xiao Su (but not her daughter) Hard work for this young girl A pleasant chat with Tibetan family Don’t breath hard sDSC085941.jpg

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